Saturday, November 12, 2016

Pussy Riot: "President" Trump? (video)

Nadya Tolokonnikova, founder of Pussy Riot (AJ+); Masha Gessen on The Rachel Maddow Show; Russell Brand on The Trews; Ashley Wells, Crystal Quintero, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
(AJ+, Nov. 12, 2016) Pussy Riot satirized a world where DJ Trump is president. Then he got elected in our corrupt electoral college system that lets mainstream candidates lose the popular vote and move into the oval office anyway.

WARNING: Explicit or at least very suggestive content. Not suitable for Russian or American public, okay for Europe, probably not Asia, elsewhere please check with your censors.

(WeArePussyRiot) Russian punk feminists Pussy Riot have turned their fire on [sexist, racist, buffoon] Donald Trump with a graphic, dystopian video that imagines the United States if the Republican presidential candidate wins.

(The Rachel Maddow Show, Nov. 12, 2016) Bogus, biased, nearly discredited lesbian talking head and Hillary supporter Rachel Maddow (MSNBC) does a great job of interviewing super Russian-American journalist-author Masha Gessen, who wrote the book on Pussy Riot and the movement that spawned feminist punk rock activists like Nadya and Co. Gessen's new article about life under Putin/Trump is called "Autocracy: Rules for Survival" (New York Review of Books).

Russell Brand makes sense

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